Featuring Vertigo Comic's Endless family, along with a wide selection of other comics, fantasy, TV, and Movie avatars.
Let us know what you think of the site! You can usually find either of us running around Le Jardin Mystique muck, at lejardin.org port 6969; we also frequent FurryMuck at muck.furry.com, port 8888. Mae runs around as Maelynd, of course, and Vtgo is now Mairia. There's lots coming, so remember to come back and visit us often!
All artwork, pictures, characters, etc. are copyrighted to their various creators. Use of these graphics is not intended to be any sort of copyright infringement, and is altered solely for the enjoyment of the Excite Chat community.
Drop us an e-mail! If you have any special requests, we'd be glad to try to help you out. We may not be in VP much anymore, but we certainly haven't lost our touch :)